THE COMPLETE WINDOWS SET by Microforum Mfg. Inc. To install The Complete Windows Set, you must do the following: 1) Run Windows, by typing WIN at the DOS prompt. 2) Press ALT+F, and select RUN 3) Type the letter of the CD ROM DRIVE followed by a colon and the word SETUP.EXE. I.E. D:SETUP.EXE 4) At this point the SETUP SCREEN should appear. ONCE YOU HAVE RUN THE SETUP PROGRAM, YOU WILL HAVE A NEW ICON IN WINDOWS CALLED "THE COMPLETE WINDOWS SET", BY GOING INTO THE NEW ICON, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE EDITOR PROGRAM WHICH WILL GIVE YOU A DESCRIPTION ON EACH PROGRAM ON THE CD, IT WILL ALSO EXPLAIN HOW TO INSTALL EACH PROGRAM INDIVIDUALLY ON YOUR HARD DRIVE.